
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 05:23:51
playing the coputer的意思是什么 根据指定词语写想象作文马小跳、60、喜羊羊与灰太狼、曹文轩、黄蓉、鬼吹灯、图书馆、奥运、皮皮鲁 、窗边的小豆豆、书、00后、独二代、粉丝、作家、奥特曼、菜鸟、王子、孙悟空、 请对“风筝、消息、野花、欢声笑语”四个词语进行合理想象,写一篇想象作文.不用发一篇作文,讲讲可以怎么写,写什么,思路等等就可以了.打错了,第二个是小溪!不好意思额..明天就要交 Block permanently Nothng is fixed or permanently stable Nothng is fixed or permanently stable还有啊,这一行英文的拼写对不对啊,如果不对请把正确的写法写上, the machine is permanently activated 同义句转换 They wanted to make Henry happy.They wanted to __ __ Henry. A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.怎么翻译? they wanted to make old Henry happier(改为同义句) they wanted to____old Herny______. A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.翻译 急用 【单选 倒装】Only on sundays _watch TV 求赐教!A can he Bdoes he 此题目为什么不能选择B?he only watches TV on sundays部分倒装将does提前哪里错误了?求赐教! Does he ____ (watch) TV at home on Sundays?用所给单词的适当形势填空 新牛津英语词典和新牛津英汉双解大词典在内容上有什么区别啊? have的同义词两个空 attendance office是什么意思 锨能组什么词?至少组五个! 锨怎么组词 Both Ben and the motorcyclist were hurt.(改为否定句) Both Ben and the motorcyclelist were hurt.(改为否定句》 ------ Ben -------the motorcyclist was hurt Both of my f_____were hurt at the traffic accident,I couldn't move. Both of his_were hurt in the terrible accident.A.feetB.TeethC.fingersD.noses they make me she has emptied the basket this morning为什么不是现在完成时?书上说是一般过去式,但是怎么也应用了has+done的形式 Leage of Nations的意思? in youth 什么意思? youth ballet Wrapped youth 英语问题: 【只用that的情况: A.先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰 B.先行词中既有人又有物时英语问题:【只用that的情况:A.先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰B.先行词中既有人又有物时C.当 先行词为形容词最高级时,只用that.举例 当先行词是被形容词比较级修饰时,定语从句的引导词就可以不用that了吗? Are everyone in the classroom now?No,Helen and Mike aren't.哪里错了? Tom and Bob were saved,but __in the classroom died in the fire.A the others B other C another D the other