英语翻译One day,a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep,inexplicable sadness.What's wrong with him Did he finally regain his happiness Here is the story...The Happiest Man in the World Adapted by Amy Friedman Once up

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:23:14
英语翻译One day,a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep,inexplicable sadness.What's wrong with him Did he finally regain his happiness Here is the story...The Happiest Man in the World Adapted by Amy Friedman Once up
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英语翻译One day,a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep,inexplicable sadness.What's wrong with him Did he finally regain his happiness Here is the story...The Happiest Man in the World Adapted by Amy Friedman Once up
One day,a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep,inexplicable sadness.What's wrong with him Did he finally regain his happiness Here is the story...
The Happiest Man in the World
Adapted by Amy Friedman
Once upon a time there lived a man named Henry who had both land and money.He loved his wife and their strong and healthy children.In short,Henry had everything a man could want.At least that's the way it seemed to everyone who knew him.
But one morning Henry awoke from a deep sleep beneath a warm comforter,his eyes filled with tears.His heart felt heavy."I'm unhappy," he said.For a moment he was frightened by such a feeling,but then he jumped out of bed,packed a picnic lunch and set off for a walk in the woods.He was determined to feel happy again.
Henry hiked for hours,looking at the bright blue sky,enjoying the crisp autumn day.Everyone he passed greeted him.His neighbor's dog barked hello.Another neighbor,meeting him as he returned home,handed him a freshly baked pumpkin pie,which he took home for supper.
Henry had always loved pumpkin pie,but even the pie,and his children's happy voices and the blaze of the fire in the hearth,did not lift his spirits.He fell asleep feeling unhappier than he had ever before felt in all his life.
When he woke the next morning,he was even sadder."I must fix this," he said,and set off for the city,where he thought he would find a hundred ways to cheer himself.He purchased

英语翻译One day,a man who seemed to own everything he could want suddenly felt a deep,inexplicable sadness.What's wrong with him Did he finally regain his happiness Here is the story...The Happiest Man in the World Adapted by Amy Friedman Once up



但有一个温暖的棉被下面从沉睡中醒来的早晨亨利,他的眼睛里充满了泪水。他的心里感到沉重。 “我很不高兴,”他说。有那么一瞬间,他被吓坏了这样的感觉,但然后他从床上跳了出来,挤满了野餐午餐,并设置为在树林里散步。他下定决心,再次感到高兴。
当他醒来时,第二天早上,他更惨。 “我必须解决这个问题,”他说,掀起城市,在那里,他以为他会找到一百种方法来捧场自己。他购买


英语翻译Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shop 翻译 a man went to see his doctor one day One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home,his wife said,Now you  1. The old man bought a ticket _______.  A. after he got on the train  B. before he got on the train  C. when the conductor told him to buy one  D. wh 英语翻译One day an ols man sells a big elephant.a young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly.the old man goesup to him and says near his ear. O______ there was a Japanese man traveling in England. He k______ only a little English. One day when he was sitting by the window of Room 203 and watching TV, he h______ a voice ‘Look out!’. So he put his head out of the window to f______ out wh 英语翻译One day older,one day wiser. 英语翻译If a man does not use his member it grows smaller and smaller,until one day he wants to piss and cannot find it. 英语翻译One day is enough for a man to know all happiness这句话翻译成中文,最好的说法应该是什么呢? 英语翻译If a man does not use his member it grows smaller and smaller,until one day he wants to piss and cannot find it. 英语翻译Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench.The poor man always sat there,looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived.One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man.Excuse me ,but I said th 英语翻译请高人翻译这个英文诗When I was one-and-twentyI heard a wise man say,Give crowns and pounds and guineasBut not your heart away;Give pearls away and rubiesBut keep your fancy free.But I was one-and-twenty,No use to talk to me.Wh A young man went to see his doctor one day because he had a headache.翻译 One day , a man was sitting inside his house and reading a book . one day,a little boy visit a foolish man哪错了 英语翻译Just for one reason,I love you so much.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind,love included.Therefore,day after day,I wonder why,I wonder how,I wonder where you are.Time to go,I want to tell you how much I feel,and how much I love you.Wh 英语翻译An old man with the wenLong ago,there lived a kindhearted man with a huge wen on his face.One day,the old man was cutting wood and it became dark.oh,it's so late. he old man hurried down the mountain.However it was too dark,the old man c 英语翻译One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk.On the road they saw a lot of people and went up to have a look.Oh dear!There was a cow in the middle of the road.It would not move.The cars and buses could not get past.Then a policeman came.“Wh One day a young man named Bill came to her d____如题