英语句式 可分那几大类例如 宾语从句 同位语 、、、、、 怎样区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:23:24
英语句式 可分那几大类例如 宾语从句 同位语 、、、、、 怎样区别
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英语句式 可分那几大类例如 宾语从句 同位语 、、、、、 怎样区别
英语句式 可分那几大类
例如 宾语从句 同位语 、、、、、 怎样区别

英语句式 可分那几大类例如 宾语从句 同位语 、、、、、 怎样区别
1. 主语从句(Subject Clause)
That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.
Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.
Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet.
Whom we must study for is a question of great importance.
What caused the accident remains unknown.
Whatever you did is right.
Whose watch was lost is unknown.
What we need is time.
It is certain that he will win the match.
It is true that he has made a very important discovery in chemistry.
It is strange that he should do that.
It is said that he has gone to shanghai.(=He is said to have gone to shanghai)
It is known to all that the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese.
It is suggested that the work should be done with great care.
It seems that he has seen the film.(=He seems to have seen the film)
It happened that the two cheats were there. (=The two cheats happened to be there)
(1)以that 引出的主语从句,常以形式主语it引导. It is +形容词/名词/某些动词ed + that 从句.
(2) 在有些that从句中要用虚拟语气 (should+do/should+have done)
The problem is puzzling.
主语 连系动词 形容词作表语
The problem is when we can get a pay rise.
主语 连系动词 一个句子作表语---表语从句
连接表语从句的连接词有:that, what, who, when, where, which, why, whether,how.
He has become a teacher.
He has become what he wanted to be ten years ago.
She has remained there for an hour.
She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.
His suggestion is good.
His suggestion is that we should stay calm.
The question is confusing.
The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.
Who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.
Why he cried yesterday.
How I can persuade her to join us in the party.
False: The question is when can he arrive at the hotel.
Right: The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.
2.以用if,而用whether 连接表语从句(as if 例外).
False: The question is if the enemy is marching towards us.
Right: The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us.
Right: It looked as if he had understood this question.
Right: The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.
Right: The question is why he cried yesterday.
4.that 在表语从句中不能省掉.
3. 宾语从句
构成:带有宾语从句的复合句就是用连接词把一个主句和一个宾语从句连接在一起.连接词有:that(可省略),what, who, when, where, why, which, if, whether, how.
He suggested (that) we should clean the corridor every day.
He told me (that) he would leave Dalian airport at 8pm.
间接宾语 直接宾语
He told me where he was going to travel that summer.
间接宾语 直接宾语
He told that he would go to the college the next year
I don’t know if there will be a bus any more.
Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam.
Do you know who has won Red Alert game?
I don’t know whom you should depend on.
The book will show you what the best CEOs know.
Have you determined whichever you should buy,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone?
He didn’t tell me when we should meet again.
Could you please tell me how you read the new book?
None of us knows where these can be bought.
I think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day .
I feel it a pity that I haven’t been to the get-together.
I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.
We all find it important that we (should) make a quick decision about this mater.
这类动词主要有:hate, take , owe, have, see to.
I hate it when they with their mouths full of food.
He will have it that our plan is really practical.
We take it that you will agree with us.
We are talking about whether we admit students into our club.
The new book is about how Shenzhou 6 manned spaceship was sent up into space.
I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work with a company.
常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure, ertain,glad,please,happy,sorry,afraid,satisfied,surprised
I am sure I will pass the exam.
I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.
He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill.
4. if,whether在宾语从句中的区别
whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以.
I can’t decide whether to stay.
I don’t think he will come to my party.而不能说成I think he won’t come to my party.
I don’t believe that man is killed by Jim,is he?
We find that he never listens to the teacher carefully,does he?
I only knew he was studying in a western country,but I didn’t know what country he was in.
He asked me if I was reading the story The Old Man and the Sea when he was in.
He told me that he had told Mary about the meeting already.
The reporter asked if the government would take necessary measures to put down the to-do.
The teacher said that the moon goes around the earth yesterday.
Who do you think the public might choose as their favorite singer this year?
7.建议 suggest , advise
要求demand 、desire、require、request、propose;
决定 decide;
命令 order、command;
坚决主张 insist;等动词后跟宾语从句,用(should)+v.(虚拟语气)
eg. I suggested that you(should)study hard.
He ordered that we should go out at once.
I heard the news that our team had won.
I had no idea that you were here.
I’ve come from Mr wang with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon.
三、英语中引导同位语从句的词通有连词 that,whether,连接副词 how,when,where等.(注:if,which 不能引导同位语从句.)如:
l have no idea When he will be back.
He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not.
四、有时同位语从句可以不紧跟在说明的名词后面,而被别的词隔开. 如:
Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.
The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.
ex:He told (宾语从句that he would go to the college the next year)
ex:That he finished writing the composition in such a short time )surprised us all .
ex:His suggestion is (表语从句that we should stay calm.)
ex:he knows the fact (定语从句that you give)