
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 01:06:44
37.There was a terrible noise _______the sudden burst of light.A.followed B.to be followed C.following D.being followed 11.There was a terrible noise _____ the sudden burst of light.A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed There was terrible noise following the sudden burst of light为什么这里要用following,而不用followed 或being followed. 描写夏风的诗句 有关夏风的诗句 有没有描写夏风的古诗,急! It is three years since you went,The perfume you left behind haunts me still.The perhume straysabout me forever;but where you are,beloved?I sigh_the yellow leaves fall from the branch.I weep_the dew twinkles white on the green mosses.翻译成李白 there was a terrible noise( ) the sudden burst of light____a terrible noise.A.followingB.followed by不要说光速比声速快,它没说是闪电,比如开生日宴会,朋友们把灯关了,等我进来,他们爆发出欢呼声,然后打开灯,不 There was a terrible noise( )the sudden burst of light.A followed B following C to be followed D being followed 帮帮忙翻译一下there was terrible noise following the burst of light 沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒扬柳风,是哪个朝代?哪个诗人写的?在什么地方写的? "黄菊依风村酒熟,柴门临水稻花香" 出自哪里,是哪个朝代、诗人,整首诗的题目和内容是什么 《风》这首诗是谁写的还有朝代 描写风的诗10首.要整首,还要作者和朝代10首啦,不10首不要 1.如图有八个半径为2厘米的小圆(圆心分别是A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H),用它们圆周的一部分连接成一个花瓣图形.求这个花瓣图形的周长. 谁知道{big big word }一首英文歌的歌词big big word }一首英文歌的歌词big big word ——emilia(最好能有中文对照,谢谢~~o(∩_∩)o ~~ He is just not that into 如题 刘姥姥人物形象意义 分析《刘姥姥二进荣国府》中刘姥姥的人物形象 谁学过新概念3啊,第一课里面有美洲狮留下一串死鹿是什么意思? puma fur was found clinging to bushes.和 it left behind it a trail of ...第一句可不可以将clinging to bushes提前早puma fur后面呢?为什么?第二句中behind it为什么可以提前到it后面,那可不可以放在句尾呢?it left a tr There was a terrible noise _____ the sudden burst of light.为什么填following呢?或者说表示客观现象的都要用现在分词的主动形式吗?不能用被动的现在分词形式吗?这个句子也没有明显的主动和被动啊.求讲 英语时态判断1.the wall has ears2.I was climbing the wall3.You have done a great job4.He asked for it.5.I'm falling to pieces.6.A tall tree catches the wind.7.It's raining cats and dogs.8.You will miss the bus. 如何判断英语时态 怎么判断英语时态啊 英语如何辨别时态? Jack worked in an office in a big city and often went to a small but comfortable restaurant to haveJack worked in an office in a big city and often went to a small but comfortable restaurant to have his lunch.One Monday,when he went to the table at w 初中生读书笔记400字左右急需!帮帮忙啊! 英语作文 介绍你的书房 70字 急内容1、进门的右边有一个大书架,里面有很多书2、书架的对面有一张书桌,书桌上放着一台电脑和一盏台灯3、书桌上有几幅画4、在书桌的旁边有一扇大窗,室内 语法填空1→10 一个语法填空How I Turned to Be Optimistic7 y# T# p.m2 H6 Z- I,r:@% c/ \8 mI began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunt's house,and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America.We were on the y/根号下3+y²=根号下3·y/4,怎么样解题y=根号21/3的