
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:45:21
1.Let's go to the zoo today.(改为否定句) 一一to the zoo1.Let's go to the zoo today.(改为否定句)一一to the zoo today.2.我喜欢打乒乓球.I like 一一一一.(每“一”一词) despite 和even though athough even though的区别please explain.thank you very much The young woman (in the car) is his aunt(对括号部分提问)_______ _______ _______ is his aunt Lawrence这个名字可以当做英文名字用吗?我很喜欢体育 想给自己起一个英文名字 看了一下劳伦斯这个名字很好听请问这个单词我可以当名字来用吗? 我的英文名字是CARMEN我想问一下 她的原意是什么来自哪个语系 有人对我说 她是是来自法语的对吗 i'll go skating with my friends __next week Asometime Bsome times C sometimes D some time 翅膀英语怎么说 They clean the fish tank for ____every week Asometime Bsometimes Csome time Dsome times 我50多了.英语全忘了.身边还没有字典,孩子问我.“翅膀”用英语怎么说? Let us go to the cinma____ ____(反意疑问句)空格里为什么不能用shall we ,一定要用will Te young woman( in the car) is his aunt 对括号部分提问( )( )( )is his aunt (The woman in the car) is my aunt.对括号里的部分提问.()()is your aunt?后面的括号填一个英语单词. The young woman in yellow is [my aunt]对括号部分提问 英语翻译坠落是什么?翅膀是什么? bec好还是toeic好?bec怎么报名的那么少?还没有网报?为什么? 高二历史题啊……毛泽东思想是如何继承并发展孙中山的思想?最好从三民主义答 三民主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论三者的相似点如题、 最相配的英文名最好全一点.最重要的是要写出和linda相配的 配对英文名我和女友在一起四年..她的英文名是:smoothie(我一般叫她思沐西)现在求一个比较搭配她英文名的名字好的话加50 凭他们的翅膀用英语怎么说 BEC和托业考试现在已经工作了,也算是在外企吧.我的英语程度还可以,雅思6级左右.现在想再考一门外语证书给自己加点分,不知道到底是考哪一门?希望各位给我讲一下两者的区别,给我点建议. Tom spends----time studying than his brother but has made-----progressa. little,great b.less ,greater c.much,great d.more greater2.I think this lesson is----easier than the last onea.very b.more c.much d.a lot of3.I'm sorry to say that you didn't BEC权威还是TOEIC权威? it is raining men 为什么是基友之歌?Humidity is rising Barometer's getting low According to our sources The street's the place to go Cause' tonight for the first time Just about half past ten For the first time in historyIt's gonna start raini 6.We could do nothing about it but _______.A.wait B.to waitC.waitingD.waited选择哪个 海拔高度与温差有什么关系 随高度温差变大还是减小?是温差,昼夜日温差,不是那个递变规律 风暴 英文怎么写 I have read two thirds of the book对two thirds划线提问 The book is the most interestiing of those i have ever read.这个句子语法上有错误吗?我怎么总感觉有点不对劲呢?of those i hve ever read在句中是什么成分呢 翻译as a metter of fact 陈独秀,李大钊,胡适的传播思想各有什么特点?在《新青年》上,陈,胡在早期合作愉快,但胡要求不提政治,导致在后期《新青年》在五四宣传马克思主义时,双方分裂.《新青年》转居上海编辑,胡 文化温州温州城乡居民还有自家酿酒的习惯.秋收后酿米酒,藏在地窖中俗称().琦君在《春酒》中回忆的是().