
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:24:37
Today is ____Easter Sunday.I'll buy ____Easter basket.A.the,a B.a,the C.不填,an D.the,不填 This an Easter He's good at English.(同义句)谢谢大家 He is good at English.和at English是什么意思 翻译(简洁,优美):life help those who are ready to help themselves You______ _______ _______ he_____good at English.中间应该填什么?你和他英语都学的很好这是意思. Brothers Forever Shall we ____(字母o开头)a taxi now? 怎么移民加拿大?我现在是个学生,是个T以后有想去国外的想法,因为在中国真的太多压力了,再有就是我不仅要自己过去,还要带着我的她,是要投资过去还是留学,还是怎样?麻烦高手们给点意见 Why does you love who does not love you?有没有语法错误 son的意思 son 是什么意思? son啥意思 THE SHORTEST HISTORY OF EUROPE怎么样 son是什么意思 .--- Do you know the young man was charged ______shoplifting?---But I don't think he is guilty __.--- Do you know the young man was charged ______shoplifting?---But I don't think he is guilty ______that crime.A.for; of B.with,of C.of; with D.with,for son是什么意思? 英语!Mary SHELLY和frankensteinWilliam Lawrence,had justgiven 2 lectures in which he said that there was no such thing as a"mind" or a "soul",and that the body was just a complexphysical organization.这句话的意思?William Lawrence 是谁?LordB even It was very old and precious even then.even Whois that go-vern-ment翻译成中文是什么意思? He has two daughters.One is a nurse and the other is a teacher.=___of his daughter ____ ____nurses He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other daughter is a workerHe has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker 两句哪一句对 one is teacher,.is a nurse.A another B others C others D the other The bus won't start until everybody gets on 为什么用gets 不用get 能否用I think not.I believe not.Isuppose not.但包天仁说能.我该怎么办呢? The grade 6 girl must coin when her gets on the bus.打错了,是WHEN SHE 填介词 1.What's wrong ( )you?2.My sister often worke late( )night. 蒲公英是什么时候开的 介绍下Kylie minogue吧,全一点哦 昆明哪里有卖kylie minogue(凯莉米洛)的产品有个阿姨给我了这产品的润体乳 味道真的太好闻啦,但是现在他们全都去国外啦,问不到他们在哪买的 我太想卖这产品的东西用啦! there is no difficulty ___ we can overcomeA that B which C who D what