
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:37:06
请以“贝多芬,请让我与你同行”为题写一篇800字作文,要写出人物个性.帮帮忙吧!我急用! 文言文 第11、12篇翻译 以“有你同行”为题目写一篇800字的作文 求一篇英语作文,题目是“怎样处理人际关系”! What a(n) ______(please) meal they had just now .Mike should t be rude to others what kind of parent are you to allow your son to be rude to his grandparents?翻译 what is she doing?she ( )be watching TV at home为什么A world like B can C should must 求求 跪下来了 英语作文在家吃饭的好处 what home rules do you think should be c_________? I'm going to fishing 哪里错了 英语我将要去游泳,i'm going to swim还是i'm going to swimming 一首英文女声DJ 歌词前面是 to to be to to be to I‘m going “今天我打算去钓鱼”译成英语是I am going to go fishing吗?还是I am going to fish 谁可以帮我写一篇100~200字左右关于泥石流的英语作文英语作文的内容要简单易懂~内容是有关泥石流的~围绕泥石流的有关方面写~ 可以帮我写一篇200字左右的英语作文吗?这篇英语作文的题目是关于:的~大概关于人生的转折点之类的~因为这个题目给的好含糊不清~所以我真的不知道改如何写是好~ 求大概100英语字左右的《国王的演讲》的观后感 求大概3,400英语字左右的《国王的演讲》的观后感希望是简单易懂一点的,大家帮帮忙,谢谢啦, 求名著上的好词佳句!只要是名著就行!2000个字左右!不管国际和作者,只要是本名著就行!2000个字的好词佳句!不管是复制的还是自己找的!只要是名著!字数够了!(最低1600字,包括词语,句子,允许 They enjoy going fishing on sundays.(对划线部分提问,对going fishing提问) they both enjoy going fishing on weekends 改同义句 ____ ____ ____enjoy going fishing on weekends 古今中外的名著的好词佳句 What are they doing this Sunday?They are .A go fish B going fish c going fishing D go fish 请问哪两本名著的好词佳句多啊?中外名著都行,但最好是那种大家都知道的名著! 英语翻译我的生日我的生日是在X月X日.你能来参加吗?那天有我的好朋友和我的家人帮我庆祝生日.聚会是在我舅舅家二楼晚上8点举行.我希望你能来.希望能很快收到你的来信.你的好朋友:XXX They enjoy going fishing at the weekend.(对划线部分提问)going fishing 划线()() they enioy () at the weekend. 国王的演讲 影评 英语翻译Miss Green was going to gine a lecture on Monday afternoon.Yet on Sunday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next dey at exactly the same time “NO one can be in two plecces at once what shell I do?”she th Would you like_with me?(A.to go fishing B.going fishing C.to go fish D.going fish) 英语翻译Today,I brought my friends to visit my uncle's farm.After an hour's journey by bus,we arrived at the farm ,which is in a small valley around the moutains.The farm is about two hundred thousand square meters.On our arrival,my uncle gave us 介绍我的朋友的英语作文不要太多但要夸张回答好了还给加分欧只有一天时间欧 文言文“气疾”指什么病 用一句论语写一篇400字作文!