简单的虚拟语气It would be bad if the pen were lost.It would be bad if the pen was lost.哪句对?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 22:05:55
简单的虚拟语气It would be bad if the pen were lost.It would be bad if the pen was lost.哪句对?
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简单的虚拟语气It would be bad if the pen were lost.It would be bad if the pen was lost.哪句对?
It would be bad if the pen were lost.
It would be bad if the pen was lost.

简单的虚拟语气It would be bad if the pen were lost.It would be bad if the pen was lost.哪句对?





1) If I had a bike, I would lend it to
2) If they invited me tomorrow, I would certainly attend it.


1) If I had a bike, I would lend it to
2) If they invited me tomorrow, I would certainly attend it.
分析:这两句话都表示与事实相反的虚拟情况,句1)表示现在情况,句2)表示将来情况。以句1)为例:其实际情况是我没有自行车,因此不能借给你,其从句中的谓语“had”是相当于过去式的形式;主句谓语由“would +动词原形lend”构成。
注意:在句子If I were you中,were不能改成was,但在第三人称单数后则可用was(也可以用were)。例如:3) If Alice were (was) here, how nice it would be!
二、有时根据句意需要,主句中的谓语可由might, could构成。例如:
1) If you worked hard, you might succeed.
2) If you could type, you could save a lot of time.
分析:这两句话都表示与现在事实相反的情况。句1)的实际情况是“你工作不努力,因此不可能成功”;句2)的实际情况是“你不会打字,因此要多用很多时间”。句1)的主句中用might,表示情态意义“可能”;句2)的主句中用could, 表示情态意义“能够”。
三、在条件从句中有时还可以用“were to + 动词原形”或“should + 动词原形”这两种形式。例如:
1) If I were to do the job, I would do it in a different way.
2) If you should have any difficulty in getting the medicine, (you could) ring this number.
分析:句1)实际上可以认为是说话人对对方做事的方法有不同看法,条件从句中使用“were to +动词原形”构成的虚拟语气是说话人对其所持态度的委婉表达;句2)的从句中使用“should +动词原形”构成的虚拟语气可以认为是说话者提出在必要情况下将给予对方帮助的客气的说法。
在第二个例句中,主句的谓语有时可用祈使语气(见上例);有时用陈述语气,例如:3) If I should be free tomorrow, I will come to see you.
分析:在句3)中,从句是由“should +动词原形”作谓语构成的虚拟语气,主句是由“will +动词原形”作谓语构成的陈述语气。
1) Were I you, I would refuse.
2) Were I in your shoes, I would let him know what I thought of him.
五、从句有时可用If it were not for这种句型,表示“若不是”。例如:
1) If it weren’t for your help, we would be in a serious trouble.
2) Were it not for their loan, our life would be very difficult.
分析:这两句话都表示与事实相反的情况。句1)的实际情况是我们现在得到了你的帮助,因此没有遇到麻烦。2)句的实际情况是他们向我们提供了贷款,因此我们现在的生活没有困难。这两句从句中都用If it were not for这种句型表示与现在事实相反的虚拟情况。
六、在由if, though, whatever, lest等引导的分句(表示推测、让步、忧虑等)中谓语可用(前面省去了would或should的)动词原形,主句中的谓语可用陈述语气。例如:
1) If John be found guilty, he shall have the right to appeal.
2) Though everyone deserts you, I will not.
句1)从句含有推测之意(约翰可能有罪),其谓语用可以认为是省掉了should的动词原形be +过去分词found,主句的谓语用陈述语气“he shall have the right of appeal”;
句2)的从句表示让步,其谓语用可以认为是省掉了would的动词原形desert,主句的谓语用陈述语气“I will not”。


简单的虚拟语气It would be bad if the pen were lost.It would be bad if the pen was lost.哪句对? it would be nice. would是虚拟语气还是作为情态动词的用法?it would be nice. 是结合上下文的虚拟语气,还是情态动词?和it will be nice. 有什么区别? would be 是虚拟语气么 菜鸟发问How nice it would be if you were not XXX1.请问下,would be 这里是 是虚拟语气么?这里的would be 是表示 过去的虚拟么?我记得 这是不是就是 would +动词原形的那种虚拟 2.顺便 虚拟语气Would that be silly to talk about it any more ______ that be true.A.unless B.if C.should D.would请说明理由, 这里would be 是虚拟语气吗?谢谢wonder whether it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow afternoon.不知道明天下午见您是否方便.请问,这里 would be 是 虚拟的用法么.怎么理解啊. 简单说说.不要复制,粘贴.呵 I thnik that it would be benefit you if you improved your IT skillls.这句是虚拟语气吗?这句句子的虚拟语气结构是啥?improved为什么要用过去式呢 if you had followed the doctor's advice,you ___ all right now.A would be B would be done为什么A另外虚拟语气怎么用的 一道有关虚拟语气的选择题It is high time that the voice of the people in this house.A.heard B.be heard C.was heard D.would be heard would 就是虚拟语气了吗?要用would 但是不想表达虚拟语气怎么办啊?比如说:这将很快被推翻.(这是事实而非不可能发生的事)It would soon be overwhelmed.这样老外会不会以为是虚拟语气? 虚拟语气 It was requested that the play ____again A.should put on B.would put on C.be put on D.put on 关于虚拟语气but for含蓄条件句的用法But for the opening policy,the situation in China _________what it is today.A would never be B will never have been C would never have been D will never be 请问:是否为错综条件句的虚拟语 I would like______to the concert last night,but I didn't get the ticket for it.A.to go B.going C.to be gone D.to have gone 原因是?虚拟语气的句子结构是这样的么?怎样才是虚拟语气,有点忘了 He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it __.A,was damaged B,should be damaged C,damaged D,would be damaged 为什么选择b 不能选d 虚拟语气不是也可以用would That would be very interesting 是虚拟语气吗 一个英语虚拟语气的问题,希望有对虚拟语气了解的很透彻的高手帮忙解答They made a suggestion at the meeting that an assistant _______ appointed to help Mr.Green.A.will be B.be C.was D.would be 虚拟语气有哪几种结构 would appreciate it if句型必须用虚拟语气吗? 虚拟语气题— How was your vacation? — It _____ be pleasant if it _____ sunny. A.would, were B.will, is C.would, was D.will, were 为什么选A? If it ---(rain)tomorrow,our picnic would be put off.是虚拟语气吗?风唱梵音