"One of them has __engineer."中为什么要填turned而不是been、become、got into?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 07:27:25
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"One of them has __engineer."中为什么要填turned而不是been、become、got into?
"One of them has __engineer."中为什么要填turned而不是been、become、got into?

"One of them has __engineer."中为什么要填turned而不是been、become、got into?
空格应该填“成为”,而且空格后面满意冠词,所以如果要填been become,got into的话,空格后面要有an,但turn后面不跟冠词.

China has a lot of famous writers,one of -----is Lu XUn,为什么不能用them there are 40studentsand no one of/none of them has taken the exam.原因 one of them ,one of whom 区别 she has three children ,( )is working in AustraliaA.who B.one of whom C.one of them D.none of them she has many books,only one of which is interesting可以用them代替which吗 not one of them has been struck down by sudden deathby引导的啥呀. One of them has __engineer.中为什么要填turned而不是been、become、got into? Each of them has a dictionary.可以边成Every one of them has a dictionary 从系统来说each和every究竟有什么不同 新概念英语2句子解析So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!not one of them是什么语法.要例句! one of them的意思 he has two sons,one of them works as a teacher 那里语法错误那把one改成both对吗, ( )_ of them has arrived.So _ has come here on time.A.Nobody,none B.No one,nobody C.None,every one D.None,none [ ] of them has a dictionary and [ ] one of them can look.A;Each,everyB;Every,eachC;Each,eachD;Every,every必须有理由 none of them 和no one of them 的区别 anyone of them 与any one of them 哪个对? So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!这句话能不能这么写,为什么?So far,one of them has been’t struck down by sudden death! he has two pencils ,___was given by his brother as a birthday presentA .the longer one B .the longer of which C .the longest D .one of them. He has two children and he loves____.A.them both B.all of them C.them each D.every one of them选择题《三星笔试》大虾快来帮我做解答!