英语翻译The dissociation energy De is larger than the true energy required for dissociation Do due to the zero point energy of the lowest (v = 0) vibrational level.对,您没看错,以上就是整整一句话,没标点.小弟语法没学好,希

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:43:55
英语翻译The dissociation energy De is larger than the true energy required for dissociation Do due to the zero point energy of the lowest (v = 0) vibrational level.对,您没看错,以上就是整整一句话,没标点.小弟语法没学好,希
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英语翻译The dissociation energy De is larger than the true energy required for dissociation Do due to the zero point energy of the lowest (v = 0) vibrational level.对,您没看错,以上就是整整一句话,没标点.小弟语法没学好,希
The dissociation energy De is larger than the true energy required for dissociation Do due to the zero point energy of the lowest (v = 0) vibrational level.
dissociation energy离解能、De和Do都看作符号不用翻(尤其是Do)、zero point energy零点能、(v = 0)也可看作一个整体符号.

英语翻译The dissociation energy De is larger than the true energy required for dissociation Do due to the zero point energy of the lowest (v = 0) vibrational level.对,您没看错,以上就是整整一句话,没标点.小弟语法没学好,希
vibrational level
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