英语翻译浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦 随着科技的提高,电信行业迅猛发展,人们的生活离不开电信,世界的发展离不开电信.2004年我国电信业务

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 23:26:37
英语翻译浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦 随着科技的提高,电信行业迅猛发展,人们的生活离不开电信,世界的发展离不开电信.2004年我国电信业务
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英语翻译浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦 随着科技的提高,电信行业迅猛发展,人们的生活离不开电信,世界的发展离不开电信.2004年我国电信业务
浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦
关键词:电信市场 竞争格局

英语翻译浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦 随着科技的提高,电信行业迅猛发展,人们的生活离不开电信,世界的发展离不开电信.2004年我国电信业务
With science and technology rise ,telecommunication industry development swift and violent,people's life can't be seprated from telecommunication ,development of the world can't be seprated from telecommunication.Our country telecommunication business all quantity accomplishes 922,479,999,999.999878 yuan in 2004 ,increases by 37.4% compared with the same period of the last year; The communication business income accomplishes 572,550,000,000 yuan in accumulative total ,increases by 11.5% compared with the same period of the last year.The value added communicating by letter accomplishes 377,590,000,000 yuan in accumulative total
In 2004,the Chinese telephone subscriber increases 115 million family newly ,the consumer sum reaches 647,267,000 family.Among them,newly,hand-free telephone increases 49,696,000 family ,reaches 312,443,000 family.Fixed our country rural area telephone subscriber breaks 100 million family ,reaches 101,595,000 family;Cellular phone increases a consumer newly counting 64,871,000 family ,reaches 334,824,000 family ,month increasing 5,400,000 family equally.The whole nation hand-free telephone penetration rates reach 24.9 hundred people ,cellular phone penetration rates reach 25.9 hundred people.
The fixed investments communicating by letter in 2004 is 3.3% lower compared with last year 217,340,000,000 yuan,the same term total investment in fixed assets for the whole society increases but height amounting to 25.8%.The job communicating by letter mainly because of our country already enters the development period being more mature,despite of the consumer number still has bigger increase space,Communications network already expands but the Rong stage from large-scale ability construction entrance stability ,the investment all together,developing and managing fixed investments mainly in switching in the net ,this locality net and propping up the net ,among them new business to prop up system increases by obvious.As for the mode of financing,the financing channel diversifies day by day,4-big basis is in motion and does business Shang Dou county has come true appear in the market the financing ,investment still give first place to funds at the disposal of the localities.
In 2004 newly,the whole nation optical cable circuit length increases 649,000 kilometres ,reaches 3,384,000 kilometres; Newly,the among them long-distance optical cable circuit length increases 51,000 kilometres ,reaches 646,000 kilometres.Toll telephone switching system capacities increase 1,112,000 roads newly hold ,reach 9,806,000 roads end; The bureau uses switchboard capacities newly,to increase 70,196,000 ,to reach 421,021,000;Newly,cellular phone switchboard capacities increase 60,489,000 family ,reach 397,473,000 family.Hand-free telephone and the cellular phone reality pretend to lead difference to reach 74.2% and 84.2% ,dress rates keep the cellular phone reality than having what increased,be but fixed telephone reality to pretend to lead basic last year invariable.
Look into the distance the China Telecommunications job business income will reach 577 billion yuan in 2005,the direct telecommunication job contribution to national economy leads 2.8% or so to will rise further ,reaches; The telephone subscriber is estimated increasing 103 million family newly ,is reaching almost 750 million family in accumulative total,the whole nation telephone penetration rates are close to 57.5%; " village village communicates by phone " project will continue strengthening moving forward,Level that our country telecommunication serves commonly further rise,accomplish the " fifteen " plans target serving commonly basically; Telecommunication fixed investments accomplishes about 206 billion yuan.
But it can be seen from it that telecommunication development does not already open,obstruct,wait for a problem to become the popular topic of conversation of society with the fact that big and powerful ,the person telecommunication job problem is also that the supervention ,monopoly ,price are advanced.The author shows development of social progress from telecommunication job ,malady and the angle how to reform go to set forth the problem in the nowadays.


英语翻译浅谈我国电信改革发展状况,存在的问题及对策,这句话能帮我翻译下吗 还有哦 随着科技的提高,电信行业迅猛发展,人们的生活离不开电信,世界的发展离不开电信.2004年我国电信业务 阐述我国改革发展稳定方面存在问题 英语翻译【摘要】文章论述了会计电算化在现实工作中的重要作用及当前在我国存在的问题,并以适应我国的社会主义市场经济改革与发展的思路及目标为依据,顺应当今网络时代的发展潮流 英语翻译中小企业的需要资金强有力的支持.我国中小企业融资状况有所改善,但“融资难”日益成为其进一步发展的巨大障碍.从完善我国中小企业融资的法规、国有商业银行改革、建立专门 我国文化改革发展的重大举措? 我国文化改革发展的基本方针是什么? 我国文化改革发展的基本方针? 英语翻译摘 要:文章论述了目前我国电算化存在的问题以及发展趋势;并着重以适应社会主义市场经济改革与发展的思路及目标为依据,顺应当今网络时代的发展潮流及我国融入世界经济一 我国纺织业的发展状况及前景 火药在我国历史上的发展状况 英语翻译[摘 要]电子政务近些年来随着信息化的进程在我国蓬勃发展.在电子政府高速发展的同时也存在不少问题.本文梳理了我国电子政务的发展状况,探讨了我国电子政务建设中存在的一些 英语翻译浅谈改革开放30年之会计改革1978年党的十一届三中全会以来,中国改革开放整整走过了30个年头.我国企业的会计改革也始于20世纪70年代末,随着我国改革开放事业的深化不断发展.通过 我国粮食发展状况 我国资本主义发展状况 我国基础教育课程改革的基本状况,发展趋势是什么啊? 如何正确认识我国发展存在的不平衡性?还有 浅谈我国短期内出现的 就业难 看病难教育不公平等发展中出现的问题及解决办法?这是形式政策题 我不关心什么国事什么的 中共十一届三中全会后我国实行的家庭联产承包责任制A.是对生产资料所有制的重大改革B.是适应现代化农业生产发展需要的产物C.与当时农村生产力发展状况相适应D.是我国农村产业结构调 我国政府加快水利改革发展的政治依据是什么?