帮忙翻译一下!关于化学医药检测方面的!the IR absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.检测

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:44:51
帮忙翻译一下!关于化学医药检测方面的!the IR absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.检测
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帮忙翻译一下!关于化学医药检测方面的!the IR absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.检测
the IR
absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so
obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar
preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.

帮忙翻译一下!关于化学医药检测方面的!the IR absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.检测

帮忙翻译一下!关于化学医药检测方面的!the IR absorption of a potassium bromide dispersion of the dried precipitate so obtained exhibits maxima only at the same wavelengths as that of a similar preparation of USP Fumaric Acid RS.检测 CAS NO(好像是医药化学方面)的全称? 几个关于医药方面的英语翻译问题1.He was in fib2.Nothing a transplant wouldn't cure. 英语翻译麻烦生物、医药方面的朋友给翻译一下,这是大蒜的方面的检测项目名称,水分% 能量%可食部分锗Ge (mg/kg)锰Me (mg/kg)锌Zn (mg/kg)钠Na (mg/kg)铜Cu (mg/kg)铁Fe (mg/kg)镁Mg (mg/kg)钾K (mg/kg)钙Ca (mg/kg) International Nonnalized Ratio 谁知道这个词怎么翻译?关于医药的 翻译一下下面的英语 医药和计算机方面的REPRESENTING DATA RELATIONSHIPS, describes how to represent relationships between separate domains, datasets, and/or records 关于酒店预订方面的英语翻译.您拜托的酒店预订已经安排好.请确认一下附件里预订书的内容.帮忙翻译一下. in a cocktail assay,是什么意思啊 怎么翻译在医药方面的英文文献里 二氧化硅在医药制剂方面的用途 我要去的单位是做电子级化学溶剂,以及医药中间体,我想咨询一下这个领域主要是做什么方面的溶剂,市场需求量以及利润等相关内容. 请你从衣食住行医药等方面中,任选4个方面 简要说说化学的好处我分不大清楚 这些化学在这些上的好处. 请你从衣、食、住、行、林、医或医药方面,简要说明化学的用途要举例说明 急求2006至2010年在生物、化学、医药、药学领域诺贝尔奖获得者及其简要的内容.最好分点写一下,譬如2006年:医药.药学.各位大侠帮个忙,实在不知道在哪里能查得到这方面的信息 DEHP / BPA AND LATEX FREE谁能帮我翻译一下,应用于医药的一种过滤器参数, 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下它的意思不要字面意思!用在人工智能方面! in a cocktail 文献里看到好多次了 怎么翻译啊 是医药方面的英文文献 关于化学方面的电子的得失 哪个高人帮忙翻译一下啊!在线等! 化学方面的The initiation mechanism is assumed to involve the oxidation of α-mino radicals formed after hydrogen abstraction to the respective cations, which initiate the polymerization.不要软件