would have liked to 和would like to have done

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:34:23
would have liked to 和would like to have done
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would have liked to 和would like to have done
would have liked to 和would like to have done

would have liked to 和would like to have done
would like to do(想要去做)
和 would like to have done (would have liked to )
eg i would like to go with you
i would like to have gone with you yesterday,but i have an unexpected visitor


would have liked to 和would like to have done 有would have liked to have done something吗 英语强人进来~I would have liked to 和 I would like to have .有什么区别吗? I__you a valuable present for your birthday,but I was short of money.A.would have liked to haveB.liked to giveC.have liked to give D.would like to give 中文翻译:I would've liked to go skiing but I have other things I have to do would have like to 是虚拟语气么?I would have liked to leave a legacy of words explaining what it has meant to have twins. I would have liked to have had it when I was a student.这是什么语法结构,虚拟语气吗? Some members of Congress would have liked to have been recalled from recessas their British counterparts were. I would like to go back as I haven't done half of what I would have liked to have done Did Mary come to your birthday party?No.I --- her,but she was away on business.A would like to invite B would have liked to invite Although Shelly was not invated to the party,she would very much have liked to have gone.改错,最后 have gone 为什么错 Would have liked to的用法求教,1We'd have liked to see her taken down a peg,but not this way.我们乐意看到她杀威风,但不是用这种方法.2I would have liked to have known you【这一句是来自英语贴吧,感觉很奇葩】【希 i would like to __alone to think about these problemsA.like to be left B.have liked to be left C.like to leave D.have like to leave请问:为什么选 Ai would __alone to think about these problems What hobby____you____try?A.would,toB.would like,toC.would,likeD.would,like to Much as ___,I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much spare cash.A.I would have liked to B.I would like to have C.I should have to like D.I should have liked to I ______ his face when he opened the letter.A.would like you to seeB.would have liked you to be seenC.should like you to have seenD.should like you to see原因告诉哦我 would have to would like to have