帮我解释一个简单英语句子Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么我猜意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:17:48
帮我解释一个简单英语句子Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么我猜意思
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帮我解释一个简单英语句子Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么我猜意思
Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.
怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么

帮我解释一个简单英语句子Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么我猜意思

帮我解释一个简单英语句子Busy as they are,parents should set aside at least two hours every week to spend with their children.怎么解释这句 特别是busy as they are 直接做从句 没有引导词 这里AS解释成什么我猜意思 求英语高手帮翻译,看不懂这句子.我查shipping这个单词时,它的第一个解释是 ships considered as a group我想问这句是什么意思? 帮我翻译一个句子:我应该像她一样努力地学习英语,用as.as句型, 帮我用下列英语短语各组一个句子!(初中水平)1、as far as 2、as if 3、neither nor 4、such as 帮我找一个简单的英语句子 要求:简短 有哲理 要有中文翻译.针对高中生的句子 哥们姐们,帮我解释一个英语句子It appears we two won’t be laid off after all. 帮我用英语解释几个句子1、Elise's computer is as good as yours2、lt is as diffcult to make a plan as to carry it out3、The bridge bulit the year before is as long as the one bulit this year4、The novel I bought yesterday is as interesti 用 when if not ...until as ..soon..as 各造一个主将从现的简单英语句子 帮我用英语翻译一个句子 像天空一样简单. 要求: 句子精简.尽量优美一点. 关于一个英语句子,我迷茫了……he was as not normal as it is possible to be这句话怎么理解呢?as it is possible to be请帮我分析一下这里 帮造句~不用太复杂的句子简单的就行1 ...as soon as...2 (not) as/so...as3 as...as possible4 ask sb.for sth5 ask/tell sb.(how) to do sth6 ask/tell sb .not to do sth7 be afraid of doing/ that+从句8 be afraid to do sth9 be busy doing sth. 求解释一个英语句子Please find enclosed the application information you requested.能帮我解释一下句子的结构和意思吗? 用简单英语解释下列句子.1 .Would you like to work as an engineer?2.He works as an architect in Shenzhen. as happy as a lark帮我翻译这句子. 新学期的打算.350字左右.只要是正对高二的水平测试.帮我写1个·.最好句子中带点英语的.要简单点的英语.最好把英语解释下. 帮我写20个简单的英语句子.一句要有6个单词以上 first是什么词顺便帮我造一个很简单的句子 来个英语高手帮我分析个很简单的英语句子我是自考生,在学英语(二)的时候遇到一个句子:Beethoven(贝多芬)was not a spontaneously inspired composerin in the Schubert(舒伯特) sense at all.