homework Maths am doing I my.books he reading is the the in study?连词成句_Liu Tao and Tom doing their homework now?A.Are B.Is C.What

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 04:34:39
homework Maths am doing I my.books he reading is the the in study?连词成句_Liu Tao and Tom doing their homework now?A.Are B.Is C.What
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homework Maths am doing I my.books he reading is the the in study?连词成句_Liu Tao and Tom doing their homework now?A.Are B.Is C.What
homework Maths am doing I my.books he reading is the the in study?连词成句
_Liu Tao and Tom doing their homework now?A.Are B.Is C.What

homework Maths am doing I my.books he reading is the the in study?连词成句_Liu Tao and Tom doing their homework now?A.Are B.Is C.What
I am doing my Maths homework.He is reading the books in the study.

I am doing my Maths homework,he is 。。。

I am doing my Maths homework.
He is reading the books in the study room.

I am doing my Maths homewor。
Is he reading the book in the study?