拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon.Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”Frankly speaking,such an atmospher

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:47:01
拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon.Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”Frankly speaking,such an atmospher
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拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon.Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”Frankly speaking,such an atmospher
拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good afternoon.
Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”
Frankly speaking,such an atmosphere has had my mind on the stretch.
That’ ok.But believe it or not,once I set foot on the very stage,my restless heart would soon settle down,conveying such a positive message “now you are performing,with necessarily a satisfactory end waiting around the corner.”

拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon.Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”Frankly speaking,such an atmospher
Today I’m quite honored to be here to share with you my speech whose title is “now you are performing.”
Frankly speaking,under such an atmosphere,i can't help feeling nervous.But that’ ok.Believe it or not,the moment I set foot on this very stage,my restless heart settled down,conveying such a positive message “now you are performing.I am sure this speech will be beneficial to you all and after that i hopt you can call it a success .

1.of whose title is “now you are performing.
Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech .
The title is "Now you are performing."


1.of whose title is “now you are performing.
Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech .
The title is "Now you are performing."
2.That's ok.
3. "believe it or not"把it去掉。


拜托各位高手进来帮小妹我修改一下英语演讲稿 不吝赐教啊Ladies and Gentlemen:Good afternoon.Today I’m much honored to be here to give my speech of whose title is “now you are performing.”Frankly speaking,such an atmospher 拜托各位帮我写一下啦 求英语高手帮我修改一篇英语演讲稿,大二的 找一个英语高手帮我修改一下resume 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下:如果我有一天不得不离开你,请你不要忘记我 好吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 英文高手(Grammar)帮我修改一下rewrite 和fix 那些错误的grammar请各位不要用 You这个单词写在文章里 英语演讲主题:时间.大哥哥大姐姐都帮一下忙.我现在初一,要一个英语演讲,最好带翻译.小妹感激不尽.(主题有关时间的,别的.也行吧) 写了一篇作文,请各位老师和高手们指点一下这是我自己写的一篇作文,请各位老师和高手们指导一下,如果能帮我修改一下,则感激不尽,本人邮箱yyp45@163.com,可以把修改意见发到我的邮箱,谢谢 大家进来帮我解决一道百分数应用题,各位高手进来.某集团今年的产值相当于去年的112%,今年比去年增产百分之几? 写出原理 高手帮我修改英语作文, 摆脱各位高手帮修改一下英语演讲稿语病可能有点多麻烦大家了 Good morning,my dear classmates and our respectable teacher.First,I want to say that”I’m very happy to have a opportunity to give this speech..Not only because t 英语翻译那位知识分子帮小妹我翻译一下, 各位英语高手来帮小妹我看一道题哟、He a____ to be an honest man 那个空应该填什么呢? 高手请进来,帮小妹我解决点儿作业!一.判断.桂子花开,十里飘香.是一种缩小的夸张.二.关联词语我会填.()天气如何恶劣,红四团()继续前进. 高手们进来帮我解决下数学问题 求各位帮我把这段话修改修改 ANEALED WIRE和GALVANIZED WIRE是什么意思?很急.请各位帮我解答一下拜托了 四个女字是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢帮我解答一下!